Design Documentation

Whether the plant or process is small or large, CEEC Engineers & Consultants can provide ground up design documentation to ensure that the project is executed to perfection from day one. All documentation supplied is progressively supplied during varying project phases and revised with new version numbers at the relevant stages ensuring that documents remain live throughout the course of the project. On completion of commissioning, comprehensive "as constructed" documentation is issued which includes red-line markups.

Below is a sample list of documentation that can be provided based on the nature of the project:

- Process Control Philosophy

- Functional Description

- System Architecture and Design

- Input / Output Lists

- Alarms Lists

- Cause and Effects Tables

- Inspection and Acceptance Test Plans (In-house, Factory and Site)

- Commissioning and Shutdown Plans

- Operator Manuals

- Maintenance Manuals

- Training Manuals


  • Mining & Mineral Processing
  • Waste Recycling & Recovery
  • Water Supply & Treatment
  • Manufacturing
  • Transport & Utilities
  • Building Automation